Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chocolate Cupcakes Test 2 & 3

Well two more tests today for the chocolate cupcakes. Both recipes came from the same nifty website -- Cupcake Bakeshop.

The first was a very simple old fashion chocolate -- delicious! Not too sweet very tender and the top was brownie like. I have to be careful about how much batter to put in the overflowing cupcake is not pretty to decorate. A tad over half full would be the best.

The second was a Devil's food and it is my choice. It is moist and not super sweet. Best of all it makes a pretty cupcake and will taste yummy with chocolate icing.

Now to find a few vanilla recipes to try...


Jennifer said...

Hey! If you like cupcakes, you've GOT to try the new cupcake store beside the publix shopping center on Pelham (Near E. North Street)--Its called Cupcake Couture and Catering and they use all natural ingredients--no artificial ANYTHING and everything I've had is delicious! I am pretty much a cupcake fiend, which is why I know about this place--YUM!

PS) Bring some cupcakes to yoga!! :oP

CMumf said...

OOOH I have been there! They are good. There is also another place in Taylors called ICED that I want to try. My only reservation about either are the $3 cupcakes BUT they are good and are worth it if I want just one and don't want to go to the effort of making them. :-)