Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just for you Mom

Pepper plant finally had a pepper make it through a rain storm. Whatever those pink annuals are -- they rock. The verbena (aka barbie dream house bouquet plant) is going gangbusters. The Elephant Ear has MASSIVE leaves now. The hydrangea is doing well -- bloomed again.

Cupcake Icing 101

I am not the best teacher but I had a great student -- April's first try at decorating cupcakes!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

All before 11AM

I am not an early riser on Sundays (generally) but look at all I got done today...

made 20 babies...

transplanted the newbies...

And almost passed out of heat stroke. Why is it 90 degrees at 11am??

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Great mirror, about 12" x 18" or 24" (I didn't measure) But it is pretty...

The Lamp

Fun and funky lamp. Do people make things as cool as this anymore?

Yellow Dresser

Awesome yellow dresser

Fabulous Frame

A frame April and I found while antique-window shopping.

Wave Table

A table I would love for my living room -- I refused to look too closely at the price tag because I think it would ruin my love for the wave table....

Wedding Cupcakes

Wedding cupcakes from last weekend. Chocolate with chocolate frosting and purple flake sprinkles. Vanilla with lavender icing with clear flake sprinkles.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Blooms

More blooms (before the crazy rainstorm that made all the plants droopy)

....and I guess I am going to have bell peppers soon! The flower was pretty just this morning but I guess more rain made it get not as pretty.